If you are a student currently enrolled at the University of Hull, this page is designed to help you quickly navigate to the most helpful resources that you may be looking for.
This myJourney module offers guidance on how, and when, to apply for Extensions and Additional Considerations. This module will help you understand the difference between Extensions and Additional Considerations, make you aware of the support available to you and also explore the different examples of events/circumstances, as well as the evidence needed to support Extensions and Additional Consideration Requests.
Complete this module to understand the implications of suspending your studies, including student finance. Follow along to understand what happens throughout the process of suspending your studies and provides a link to the Suspension Form at the end of the module, should you choose to do so.
If you need some time away from the University within an academic year, it can sometimes make sense to start the whole year or trimester again from the beginning when you are ready to come back. This module is designed to help you understand the implications of repeating your studies, including any financial implications, and to inform you of available support.
If you are not enjoying your studies you might want to consider changing to a different course. You may want to do this if your course is not what you expected, if you no longer have an interest in the subject, or if you feel the course you are studying is not for you. In this module, you will understand the implications of transferring your studies, including the implications for student finance, allow you to explore available support, and give you opportunities to explore options should you wish to gather a greater understanding of what you can do.
We understand that you may consider leaving university, and we want to support you during that process. There may be reasons why you may consider leaving; it’s not the right time for you to study, you have been struggling or you’re transferring to another University. This module will help you understand what happens in the process of withdrawing and provide you with the link to the Withdrawal Form itself.